We are committed to being a child safe, child friendly, and child empowering organisation. And the Berry Street School is committed to being a child safe school.
We recognise, respect and promote children's rights within Berry Street and the broader community. We require that every person that is part of our school, every board member, staff member and volunteer, treats the rights, interests and safety of children as paramount.
There is a zero tolerance for any form of child abuse or maltreatment within the organisation and zero tolerance for not reporting any suspected abuse or maltreatment.
The Berry Street School works with groups of children and young people who may be particularly vulnerable to abuse. Accordingly, Berry Street pays particular attention to:
- the safety of children in out-of-home care
- the cultural safety of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children
- the cultural safety of children from culturally and/or linguistically diverse backgrounds
- the safety of children with a disability
- the safety of children who identify with a sexual minority identity and/or gender minority identity.