The Berry Street School believes all children have the right to a high-quality education that prepares them to achieve their full potential and go into their future with confidence and hope.
The Berry Street School offers:
- Victorian Curriculum
- Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning (VCAL)
- Victorian Certificate of Education - Vocational Major (VCE VM)
- Victorian Pathways Certificate (VPC).
Our teaching is flexible and personalised: every student has an Individual Education Plan with clear learning goals and outcomes, as well as broad life and behaviour goals. These plans help ensure success for every student.
Applied learning
Our teaching and learning are underpinned by applied learning principles. This means that students engage in authentic and motivating learning experiences. Our lessons are designed to bring theoretical information to life for students when in a real-world context that relates directly to their own future, is within their own control and is within an environment where they feel safe and respected.
Our teachers use a range of assessments to make informed and consistent judgements that improve student learning and support the development of individual education plans and goal setting for each student. Students undertake Essential Assessment, Fountas and Pinnell and NAPLAN is offered to students in years 7 and 9.
Extending Mathematical Understanding, better known as EMU, is a numeracy program that is designed to help improve knowledge and confidence in maths for students who require additional support building number sense. Students participate in the program for one to two terms. We use games, discussions and hands-on approaches to learning maths.
To support our students to master the foundations of reading, we have the MacqLit program for students who require additional support decoding when reading. It helps students learn to read by clearly teaching phonemic awareness and phonics (the individual sounds in words). The program is designed for older readers, and you can work one-on-one or in a small group to practice your reading.
I am so happy to see my daughter's personal and academic growth during the past two years.