Every day, be sure to bring:
- comfortable clothes for learning and enjoying an active lifestyle
- anything to help you stay Sun Smart including sun cream if you have a brand that you prefer, hats and Sun Smart clothing
- your house key and bike lock key if you need them
- sanitary items if you have brands that you prefer
- any learning tools you like to use if you do not want to use what the school provides.
We provide:
- healthy food for breakfast, morning tea and lunch
- anything you need for learning including pencils, pens, iPads, and paper
- sunscreen
- other items like masks, hand sanitiser, lotion and feminine hygiene products
Allergies and medication
Does your child or the young person in your care have allergies or take medication? Do they need to take it during the school day? If so, be sure to speak immediately to the Head of Campus so we can support them.
Getting to school
Each of our campuses offers local bus routes to get to and from school, which is discussed in the Student Support Group (SSG) meetings. Please enquire with your campus staff about transport if you have additional questions.