What does a typical day look like for a student at the Berry Street School?
At the start of the day
At the start of the day, all students gather for a Morning Circle. The circle is a great time to welcome students, frame the learning for the day, and help everyone in the community be ready to learn.
Students also show where they are on the 'Ready to Learn' scale - starting at 1 being 'No way am I ready to learn', up to 5 'I am pumped to learn'. This helps staff find out how students are feeling and what support they need that day. We help take care of their wellbeing, so they feel safe and ready to learn.
During the circles, we might do the following:
- meditation
- breathing exercises
- games
- other activities to start the day positively
During the day for the whole group
Once students are ready to learn, they begin their class timetable, depending on whether our student is completing the Year 7 to 10 curriculum or VCAL and VET. Students typically go to 3 to 4 different classes during the day. These classes range from core classes, like literacy and numeracy, to specialist classes, like Arts and Physical Education.
During classes, while each student works on the lesson's objective, teachers work with students one-on-one to have the support they need to meet each of their individual goals. These goals range from learning to social goals.
The teachers also use short 'brain breaks' throughout the day to build stamina and refocus students' minds.
During the day for individuals
Our Education and Wellbeing support staff are in and out of classrooms all day, available to help our students. If a student needs additional one-on-one support, they are there to help so that students are ready to learn and engage with the lesson. They use strategies like talking through how students are feeling, using focus plans to support students returning to the classroom and addressing individual goals on their IEP.
Learn more about the life of a student at the Berry Street School
..you learn the stuff that you need in life.